ColorSwap is a great tool for testing any change color in whatever you need. How many times we have the intention to change a color to our own home, car, room, hair, eyes, etc. If we take a photo, and upload this picture to this program, we will be able to change all the colors we want too and see the results, amazing right? this will be something we could consider to have with us. Planning a change of color, will never be difficult, we just have to take some few steps before we decide what color we want to change. You will be able to download from the main web site a trial version (by the way, you are going to download an earlier version 2.1); once you downloaded the program you can update it with the Wizard update Menu to the latest version. This program is protected until you buy your license. This program has its features such as: change a color of a selected part; you have the facility to have different brushes to paint, group and ungroup parts of your entire picture, work with a batch of files, etc. It is amazing how easy is "playing" with colors. Enjoy this innovate tool. Change your pictures colors and then paste them for real!